March 28th-April 25th, 2009
Opening Event: Saturday, March 28th, 7-10 p.m.
Leo Kuelbs Collection
50 Bridge Street #516 (at Water)
Brooklyn, NY 11201
F Train/York Stop
Rt at Jay St.
Rt on Plymouth
Rt on Bridge
50 Bridge #516
Video and Performance by:
Adriana Varella
Angela Freiberger
The Brazilian Sisters
Jaanika Peerna
Simona Koch
Nilton Maltz
Chris Herbeck
Matl Findel
Adriana Varella
by Leo Kuelbs
As the recent past lays sweating in its deathbed and we all recoil at the shock of its demise, it is easy to overlook the biological fact that we live in a cyclical world.
The rate of change—evolution—is increasing. Those hungry to partially shape what’s next, strive to do so. It figures that after all that’s been lost, all that’s left to lose, is gone, whatever comes next will be almost unimaginable. Think ahead 50 years! And, right now, all of us are creating the eggs that will be fertilized in the next decade, nurtured by history, and finally born into consciousness. The increasing rapidity of change, the demise of the old, and universal longing for a different type of world are churning together towards a near future, fertile and explosive, guaranteeing huge, ripe, new fruit. The likes of which we’ve never seen.
If we are lucky, we’ll be able to see the good of what we’ve wrought take the world to a higher level of reality. If we fail, well, you know…
“Future=Fertile” is not about the news. It is about now. It’s about the early, instinctual, almost mechanical (outdated?) biological actions geared towards creation. Take a moment to consider what we have and what we would like our world to become. It’s our baby to make, together.
God, that’s scary.
Wait, it could be fun!
Either way, we are in this together.
more info: http://www.leokuelbscollection.com/lkc/?menu=yes