Mar 29, 2012

Live Drawing/ Dance Performance and Exchibition in NYC

Jaanika  Peerna Exhibition and Live Drawing/Dance Performance at New York Estonian House

11 April 2011 – 1 May 2012
New York Estonian House
243  East 34th Street
New York, NY 10016

Opening Reception April 11  6-8PM
7PM live drawing and dance performance with dancer Jane  Thornquist
Documentation of the live drawing and dance performance is here 
Otherwise open by appointment only:
Contact Katrin Albaz 212  684 0336  or e-mail:

 This exhibition, entitled "Wind and  Light", is part of NY Estonian Cultural Days programming and features dynamic  drawings of forces in nature. The drawings are wax pigment and graphite on  mylar, ranging from intimate, 5 x 5 inch squares to larger, more ambitious  expressions measuring up tothree feet on a side. Regardless of scale, the  group of drawings, identified by the titles: Air Dance Series and Maelstrom  Series, are a response to the motions of air and wind.  An economy of  line spontaneously, yet assuredly, echoes the swirling, energized forces of  nature.  Peerna writes of these works that they are “mappings of air  movement in nature registered by my senses. They chart quiet and tender  breezes but also storms that have the power to destroy. There is beauty in the  extremes as well as a hint of anxiety. The works are very immediate responses  to sensory data and also reverberate on a bigger theme of changes in climate.”   Their simplicity of black on white combined with an intense energy  yields a rare profundity and beauty.
Video of the live drawing/dance performance: