Oct 20, 2010

Artist for Artist Interview with Peerna and Han

Artist for Artist Interview :Chunghee Han and Jaanika Peerna -Finding YAWYOU
Recorded in New York City and Hudson Valley in August, September 2010
Conversation touches on the nature and influences of the artists work, creative process and connections to audiences.
Chunghee Han is from Korea, Jaanika Peerna Estonian native both living and working in NY now.They work in various media including installation, video and drawing. To learn more go to chungheehan.com and jaanikapeerna.net
Special Thanks to : Jin-young Park, Travis Roozee,Grace Lee, Jayoung Yoon, Nathan Perkel, Woong Gallery, Karel Zova, Oksana Titova, UmruX5, ArtDepoo Gallery, ARC Fine Art, Olga Temnikova, Jane Thornquist, David Rothenberg, Brian Widmaier, Erki-Sven Tüür, Rudolf van Dommele

click here to go to Artist for Artist site

Chunghee Han and Jaanika Peerna: Finding YAWYOU / artists in conversation from Jaanika Peerna on Vimeo.http://artistforartist.org/?p=259